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I offer a comission service on a wild bird you may have found or a pet bird that you'd want immortilising. I do create 'Freelance' mounts (birds ive mounted in the style ive chosen etc)but i mainly work on a commission basis but sometimes have freelance work for sale. If you want a certain bird as a mount but dont have said bird in your freezer then i offer a large stock of frozen specimens which you can commission but it will cost a small amount extra.
So if you have a bird you would like recreating then please do get in contact with your ideas.

All birds must comply with the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 if from the wild & MUST be obtained legally.

Basic prices/quotes include bird mounted on to a simple wooden base.


Aswell as simple wooden base mounts, i offer habitat services & case services. These will cost extra so please allow that in a quote as alot of work goes into habitat & casing. With casing, this offers long term protection for your work from elements, dust, prying fingers, other animals & any bugs that might find their way in.

Flower Arrangement 4
Bird Taxidermy - Hannahs Creatures
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